
You Can Achieve Anything

You Can Achieve Anything

Sep 4, 2024

  Read time -  6 minutes

I believe that mindset is more important than knowledge. First, we need to take care of our mindset, and then focus on the knowledge we have.

People Are Not Equal

As much as they tell us that people are equal all around the world – they are not.

Let me quickly prove that to you. If we were equal, there wouldn’t be visas and the necessity to apply for one when you want to move to another country.

If we were equal, journalists on TV wouldn’t make assumptions based on somebody’s religion or place of birth.

If we were equal, there would be no racism.

Full stop!

We are not, and sadly, some people are more equal than others – meaning that they are higher in the hierarchy.

Inequality Means Different Efforts for the Same Goal

Because people are different, they need to put in different amounts of effort to achieve the same goal.

Let me illustrate this for you.

If somebody wants to work for an automobile company based in Berlin, Germany, it would be relatively easy for a guy currently living in Spain, assuming he has the necessary knowledge and money to rent a place to live, etc.

On the other hand, for a person who is not part of the European Union, even with the same resources, it would be slightly more difficult because that person must apply for a visa.

Another good example is the different positions we may occupy in society in terms of wealth. Therefore, if I want to achieve a goal, it will be easier for me if I possess greater wealth. You, on the other hand, may have to put in extra effort and invest more time to achieve what you want.

However, Inequality Doesn’t Mean Impossible

I want to make this clear. No matter the differences between us – religious, financial, location, and so on, the majority of people can achieve almost anything they want, except if they are obstructed by insurmountable obstacles like health issues, war, slavery (yes, slavery still exists!) or other types of obstacles which go beyond normal and acceptable circumstances.

If we talk about normal circumstances – good health, financial stability, ability to learn new things – you can achieve almost anything. The only difference between you and someone else is the amount of effort you both have to put in, because as I’ve already explained, you are not the same, you are different!

By the way, I intentionally use the word “almost” because flying next to Jupiter seems fairly impossible unless you are tremendously lucky (or not) to be abducted by aliens tomorrow.

Back to the topic!

Achieving your goal requires four things:

  • Increase your energy. That’s a topic I already touched on in one of my previous publications – you can check “The Benefits of Disconnecting from the World”.
  • Realise that you can achieve almost anything. Unfortunately, or not, energy is required to view the world and your abilities from a perspective different to that of the daily grind.
  • Confront your current mindset. Where are you right now, and do you like it? Where do you want to go? Envision through meditation what your desired destination looks like. You have to imagine it – see it in your head before going there. Be clear about what and who you need and don’t need to get you from where you are to where you want to go.
  • Stop hesitating, start acting.

Final Words

If I put you in a room with rich people who might be interested in a business idea you have, at the end of the day, whose responsibility is it to reach out to one of them and pique their interest? It’s yours.

To enter the room with rich people, you have to know me. Whether you contacted me deliberately or our acquaintance happened by chance, whose responsibility is it to win my trust and get an invitation into a room with rich people? It’s yours.

No matter the situation you’re in, it’s your responsibility to decide how you will react and what you will get out of it.

However, don’t judge yourself or allow anyone else to judge you if you are not able to give your best in certain situations. There are things within us that may sabotage us, or we simply might not have enough energy. It’s a process and requires working on yourself.

Achieving what you want requires working on yourself first! Because the opportunities are presented to you, but whether you will be able to grab them depends on you.

One Example from My Personal Experience

I can make a list of examples but right now I will give just one.

When I was in university I was studying “Quantum Electronics”, however, my attention was caught by Nuclear Physics as well. I remember I was staying in front of the laboratory – where we were conducting regular experiments with radioactive samples.

I looked at the assistant who was helping us with the exercises and a feeling crossed my mind:

“I will join the team of my assistant and we will travel to different countries and work together”

Two years later in 2008, I was at CERN, Switzerland working in one of the laboratories in the field of Quantum Electronics and Nuclear Physics.

By the way, the technique I’ve just described is called “to intend something” which I will talk about in my future posts.

Let me finish with these words:

Your energy and mindset are the elements that write your destiny. Change them!

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