


This is a partial list

– Web Apps (SaaS) Development
– Python & framework Flask
– PHP & frameworks
(Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter)
– MySQL, PostgreSQL, T-SQL
– ElasticSearch, MongoDB (noSQL)
– Back-end template engines (Twig, Blade)
– Docker
– C# /C Sharp/ (improving)
– MQL5 (improving)

Currently learning:
– Prompt Engineering
– Blazor & Blazorise
– Django

Interested to learn:
– Mojo (Programming language for all of AI)
– Machine Learning
– Deep Learning

– React.js
– K6 load testing
– JavaScript
– jQuery
– Bootstrap, Bulma
– Version control (Git, SVN, Mercurial)
– Front-end template engines (HandlebarsJS)
– WordPress (basic)
– Photoshop (basic)


– Languages: English, Bulgarian


Only some of the projects I have worked on are listed
Co-owner & Full-Stack Developer @CampLight

Mar 2023 – Present
I worked on development of the following products:

  • Prediktorprediktor.com. Solutions in the field of green energy: Python; ReactJS; Blazor; Blazorise; C#
  • PyPrediktorMapClientgithub.com. An open-source Python library that serves as a pivotal tool for developers in the solar energy sector. The library streamlines the interaction with Prediktor’s OPC UA ModelIndex and Values REST APIs, which are integral to the implementation of the OPC UA protocol for advanced machine-to-machine communication within industrial systems. Leveraging this library, developers can efficiently access and analyze data from OPC UA servers. This capability is essential for creating robust applications focused on predictive maintenance and performance monitoring, thereby driving analytics-led initiatives in the solar energy industry. As a contributor to PyPrediktorMapClient, I played a role in the development of this library.
  • pyPrediktorUtilitiesgithub.com.
  • Edenred edenred.de. System for electronic food vouchers: Python
  • Userlike userlike.com. Provides AI driven chat system for better customer experience: Python



  • API’s and micro services developed in Python
  • UI developed with Blazor and Blazorise



Python; C# (C Sharp); K6 by Grafana; ReactJS; Blazor; Blazorise; Bootstrap; C#.

Full-Stack Developer @TechPlanA

Apr 2020 – May 2023
I worked on development of the following products:

  • Gowigowi.rs. Custom solutions. Language: Python; Vanilla Javascript; T-SQL 
  • CleverTogetherclevertogether.com. Crowd-sourcing solution. 
  • Greenbonegreenbone.net. Security solutions written in Python. 
  • Volta – voltawireless.com. Mobile application providing an encrypted secured messenger – VPN, voice and video calls, messaging, and file transfers. Also, providing safe, easy and private cashless transactions. Volta does not collect or share customer’s sensitive information, like location, contacts or shopping habits with anyone.
  • InfectRadar – Mobile application tracking people infected by COVID-19. Also allowing paramedics to mark people as infected.
  • Paywoke – A single API integration with different KYC providers allowing you to verify the identity of your users and reduce fraud.



  • Database design
  • Development and maintenance of Rest APIs
  • Development of business features
  • Integration with the APIs of third-party KYC providers
  • Integration with third-party providers (Stripe, Zangi)
  • Security solutions written in Python
  • API’s and micro services developed in Python



Python, PHP, ElasticSearch, MySQL 8.0, Lumen 7.0, API, WooCommerce, Stripe, Messagebird (sms gateway) integration, Vue.js, Firebase push notifications.

Full Stack Developer @StartupStage

Sep 2019 – Mar 2020
SaaS (Software As A Service) for managing online and live events for startups.

www.startupstage.org (the domain is no longer available)



  • Database design
  • Creation of the Rest API
  • Back-end and Front-end development of the platform
  • Implementation of Zoom Webinar via Zoom Web SDK
  • Implementation of Google Places API
  • Development of algorithm running in the background for the calculation of statistics and user behaviour



PHP 7.0, MySQL, OAuth 2.0 protocol, git, REST, Twig, Handlebars.Js, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, Ubuntu 18 LTS

Senior Back-end Developer @Peoplegogo

Jun 2015 – Jun 2017
Peoplegogo is a crowdfunding platform for volunteering campaigns. It helps organizations and individuals to bring positive social change by funding their campaigns and also by finding people who want to volunteer their own time and skills.

www.peoplegogo.com (the domain is no longer available)



  • Planning and choosing technologies
  • Mock-ups
  • Database design (SQL and noSQL)
  • Creation of the Rest API
  • Back-end and Front-end development of the platform
  • Development of instant messaging system
  • Writing technical documentation



PHP 7.0, MySQL, ElasticSearch, OAuth 2.0 protocol, git, REST, Agile Scrum, Code review, Docker, Twig, Handlebars.Js, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, Ubuntu 14.08/16.08, Postfix, Dovecot, JIRA

Also I developed:

  • FrameworkJet (github.com/frameworkjet/FrameworkJet). A web application framework created to cover the following requirements:
    • Low response time.
    • To work as light as possible, without additional heavy libraries and dependencies.
    • Server-side rendering of the content.
    • Client-side rendering of the content via communication with an API.
    • Multilingual templating.
  • pageJet (github.com/githubpagejet/GithubPageJet). An application allowing you to build websites on the top of “Github pages” (check: pages.github.com). It covers the following requirements:
    • Easy way to build a website on “Github pages”.
    • To work as light as possible, without additional heavy libraries and dependencies.
    • Implemented jQuery and option to execute AJAX requests.
    • Implemented java script Routing.
    • Implemented front-end template engine – HandlebarsJs.
    • Implemented grunt.
    • Multilingual templating.
    • Option to use the application on your own server.
  • EasyMail (github.com/runeasymail/easymail). I contributed to EasyMail – developed by my colleague Gyuner Zeki – because I used it as a Mail Service for the needs of Peoplegogo. My contribution – fixing bug issues related to Postfix, Dovecot and the user interface (RoundCube).
  • Google Places API – A PHP wrapper (github.com/peoplegogo/google-places).
Senior Back-end and Lead Developer @White Rabbit Ltd.

Jan 2015 – Feb 2020
Development of web applications and management of the team developing mobile applications.




  • Understanding the client requirements and translating them in technical language and writing technical documentation
  • Mock-ups
  • Database design
  • Creation of Rest API.
  • Back-end and Front-end development
  • Integration with third-party services (Google APIs, BrainTree /by PayPal/)
  • Development of instant messaging system
  • Development of server infrastructure for the real estate company considering higher security
  • Algorithm for automated trading on the Forex market
  • Learning new technologies depending to the requirements of the project



PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OAuth 2.0 protocol, git, SVN, REST, Agile Scrum, Code review, Docker, BackboneJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, Ubuntu, Java, Laravel 4.

Things I developed:

  • RentalRelations. SaaS for the rental market in the UK and Europe.
  • GuardNet (www.guardnet.co). GuardNet is a real-time geographically accurate locating and communication product that enables customers and Security Companies to manage security situations. My role in the project – develop the web application, create mock-ups, database design, develop the API, developing instant messaging system, writing documents, team leading, planning, etc.
  • ManxTents (www.manxtents.com). An online booking platform. The visitors of the Isle of Man can book tents during TT and Classic TT (the greatest motorcycle race on Earth). It consists of two parts – a website and SaaS (Software as a Service). My work included – planning, choosing technologies, database design, integration with third-party services (Stripe), development of an API, back-end and front-end.
  • Isle of Man Yacht Club (www.iomyc.com).
  • TransferTravel. It’s an international, trusted, peer to peer marketplace that allows people to list their unwanted travel to a community of buyers looking for last minute options. My work included – development of the web application, writing documentation and planning.
Pavel Tashev is a highly valued and integral member of the team at WhiteRabbit Ltd. and as Lead Software Developer his wealth of experience is applied to the design and development of all products developed every single day.
– Tom Granger, CEO of the company
Senior PHP Developer @ProxiAd and Mailjet

Oct 2013 – Jan 2015

During my work for ProxiAd I was a contractor for MailJet (www.mailjet.com). Create, send, analyze and automate your marketing and transactional emails.




  • Work with big data
  • Rewriting and optimizing database request
  • Developing WordPress plugins
  • Developing new features for mailjet.com
  • Bug fixing



PHP, MySQL, Big Data, SVN, REST, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Agile Scrum.

PHP Back-end Developer @Innovative Solutions Bulgaria Ltd.

May 2011 – Apr 2013

My main activity was to support and develop new solutions for the websites and the online stores part of “Innovative Solutions Bulgaria Ltd.”.




  • Maintenance of online shops
  • Developing new features
  • Bug fixing



PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter, SVN, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WordPress

PHP Back-end Developer @NowayMedia

Feb 2011 – Nov 2015

Noway Media Ltd. was found in 2011 with the idea in mind to develop web applications. That was a great experience because I had the chance to get closer to the essence of how to manage a small StartUp and to understand the business processes behind the scene.

I consider this valuable experience because this knowledge helped me go out of the box and understand better my role as a developer working with other members of the team.



  • Database design (SQL and noSQL)
  • Development of a user management system (UMS) using OAuth. Its purpose is to manage all user accounts part of QRL and Schoodle. The communication between UMS and the services happens via a RESTful API.
  • Mock-ups
  • Creation of the Rest API
  • Back-end and Front-end development of the platform



PHP, MySQL, Symfony 1.1/1,4, JavaScript, jQuery, xAjax, SVN, Mercurial.

I developed:

  • QRL (Bit.ly for QR codes) is a web application (SaaS) which can be used by customers to generate their own QR codes pointing to particular URLs. The platform provided analytics tools analyzing the traffic through the QR codes. Video – youtu.be/ZV8QNWCrlQs
  • Schoodle (connecting teachers and parents via Internet) is a web application where teachers and parents can exchange information about the progress of their children at school. Video – youtu.be/hgUs76zV8j0

Behind those two web applications there was another one – Centralised User Management System (CUMS). Its purpose is to manage all user accounts part of QRL and Schoodle. By logging into any of the services (QRL or Schoodle) the user has access to all the rest. The communication between CUMS and the services happens via a RESTful API based on JSON and XML, depending on the developer’s needs.

Full Stack Developer as a Freelancer

May 2008 – May 2011

During my freelance period, my work was split into two parts. The first one was to find new clients, and the second one was to work as a Web developer. I worked on different projects, starting from small websites and ending with more complex solutions like a web based platform for selling real estates.



PHP, MySQL, Symfony, CodeIgniter, SVN, HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, WordPress

Things I developed:

  • Text analyzer. The “Department of Computational Linguistics” (DCL) is part of the “Bulgarian Academy of Sciences” (BAS) and is engaged in researches and development of software applications in the field of linguistics. Part of their research projects are: theoretical problems of the formal description language, morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis of the Bulgarian language, creating computer dictionaries, software for automatic correction of spelling, synthesizing speech from arbitrary text, remove the ambiguity and grammar mistakes. My role was to develop the web interface of the application. The web based interface included – CSS, HTML, JavaScript (+jQuery) and AJAX-JSONP communication with the BAS server.
  • Real estate website. The company “Ikabe Vedis Ltd.” operates its commercial activity in the field of the real estates in Greece. My role was to develop a fully functioning website giving the opportunity for the agency to sell real estates. Some of the features I developed:
    • Search module.
    • Real estate listing. Each listing contains detailed information about the property – title, photos, description, contact information of the broker, price, etc.
    • Administration for managing the listings.
    • Administration allowing the agency to create offices and user accounts for the brokers.
    • Internal messaging system allowing brokers to communicate with each other regarding their work.
    • Newsletter and Blog.


Sofia University
University of Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Faculty of Physics

Sep 2007 – Jun 2009

I graduated “Quantum Electronics and Laser Technologies (QELT)” Master degree with specialization in “Nuclear Physics”.


Activities during my education:

CERN logo
CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research

Jun 2008 – Aug 2008

The scope of my work at CERN was to simulate the distribution of subatomic particle beams in the presence of electromagnetic radiation. The ultimate goal of my tests was to prove that CERN can invest money in buying the required equipment and make real experiments based on my simulations.


Sofia University
University of Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Faculty of Physics

Sep 2003 – Jul 2007

I graduated “Engineer Physics” Bachelor degree.The topic of my bachelor thesis was “Quantum Entanglement”.


Activities during my education:


21th of Aug 2007

I had a lecture in Bodrum, Turkey in the field of the quantum mechanics.
The topic was “Quantum Entanglement”.

“Professional technician secondary school of mechanical engineering and electronics” – Varna, Bulgaria

Sep 1998 – Jun 2003

I graduated “Electronics”.