
Your software

development partner

In the photo, you can see some of the team members of Camplight
In the photo, you can see some of the team members of Camplight

Camplight is a flat organisation, registered as a cooperative under Bulgarian law.


Our focus is on developing software products for third-party companies, as well as creating our own products. The term “flat organisation” means that we are a company where all core members are equal in their right to make decisions about the company’s future, albeit each of us differs from the others based on our specific skills and roles.

For instance, while some of us specialise in sales and marketing, others excel in recruitment, some in finance, and others in software development. We refer to all of these co-owners as the “inner circle”, as they form what we metaphorically call the “fire”. The term “fire” stands as a metaphor for the philosophy we uphold – a belief that as a cooperative, we can achieve a lot together through dialogue and equality.

We have an internal system similar to the one in a parliamentary hall. Person X can make a proposal, describing in detail why they are making this proposal and what the goals are. We go through several rounds of discussions, clarifications, and finally voting. Some decisions may be adopted, others not. This entire structure functions thanks to iron-clad rules, which can, of course, be changed, but only after a proposal, discussion, and voting.


In the last 12 years, Camplight has proven that this model works. Over these years we have been working as a service and a product company.


I am a co-owner and a software engineer at Camplight. The company embodies responsibility and complete transparency in all its processes with a few ultimate goals – to create valuable products, ensure that our customers are satisfied, and make sure the team members are happy.


Now, let’s dive into our achievements and the services we offer.

Our Success is your Future

Since 2012

Founded in 2012 our mission is to evolve human collaboration with software craftsmanship

300+ Projects Delivered

From web to mobile apps and beyond, we have vast experience with digital challenges

1200+ consulted requests

which we were thrilled by their requirements

36% growth results

We are committed to drive tangible business impact for our partners, achieving a minimum of 36% CAGR with our engagements

4 key industry expertise

Our tech radar is covering 70% of top technology ecosystems and is driving our success in fintech, education, healthcare, and clean energy

From $1k to $800k+ budget scopes

We can take variable budget responsibilities for architecting digital experiences

+50 employee members

collaborating on projects with us

+1500 pre-vetted experts

from our talent network ready for right-sizing your vision

Do you want to talk about your business?


Software services

Finding Top Talent

Leverage Camplight’s team of 60+ experts or our extensive network of 80+ cooperatives and 1500+ tech professionals to recruit top-tier talent that fits your unique requirements.

Team Management

We manage all administrative employment aspects and offer skill development to maintain your team’s competitive edge.

Planning and Analysis

Gathering business requirements, evaluate project feasibility, and feature and functionality prioritisation.

UX/UI Design and Prototyping

Engage in rapid UX/UI design and prototype iterations to gather key stakeholder feedback, laying the groundwork for successful development.

Technical Architecture

Developing robust and scalable architectures, ensuring long-term viability and performance.


We employ streamlined development processes that enable rapid progress and flawless execution.

Testing and Deployment

Our meticulous approach guarantees that your software is reliable, secure, and performs optimally under all conditions.

Support and Maintenance

Working within budget according to SLAs to ensure your solutions remain reliable, secure, and up-to-date.

AI Services for Accelerating Your Business


AI Technology Consulting

Identify most impactful AI use cases and select optimal technologies for your business needs


AI Proof-of-concept Development

4-6 weeks to validate your hypothesis with a prototype and market discovery


Full-stack AI Product Development

Comprehensive development from concept to deployment


AI Model Fine-Tuning and MLops

AI Model Fine-Tuning & MLops Fully custom AI models and machine learning operations


Generative AI Model Integration

Connecting pre-trained generative models to your product

Whenever you’re ready

we can talk about your business



Case Studies

International Hospital

7+ years of partnership

developed multiple websites, a mobile app and a custom AI (LLM-based chatbot) to enhance their $7M/month online appointment system.

Biggest East-European VC Fund

led data-driven transformation to help the fund deploy their latest $85M fund.

San Francisco Investment Bank

2-year partnership project

led a big data-driven transformation with an AI-powered matchmaking platform, facilitating $1B/year in opportunities.

Digital Healthcare Platform

8+ years of partnership

developed an ERP system enabling 350k+ patients have holistic digital healthcare, resulting in growing user base and the eventual business acquisition.

Team GPT

Team-GPT guarantees ChatGPT adoption for teams between 2 and 2,000 people. Organize knowledge, collaborate, and master AI in one shared workspace.


In just under 10 months Team-GPT has achieved:

$200k revenue

25k platform users

3k businesses

Venture Studio

Our venture studio offers corporate innovation and startup execution with the following services


Identifying key problems or opportunities and viable solutions.

Market Research

Gain insights into your target audience and potential competitors to refine your strategy.

Feasibility Analysis

Evaluate the technical and business feasibility.

MVP Development

Develop a Minimum Viable Product to test with users and gather essential feedback.

Marketing and User Acquisition

Promoting the product and acquiring users.

Iterations and Delivery

Utilize Agile methodologies for continuous product improvement based on user feedback, introducing new features and functionalities and fixing issues.

Support and Maintenance

Provide ongoing technical support to ensure your product remains competitive and up to date.

Whenever you’re ready

scheduling a call with us only entails discussing your business and how we can help, with no further obligations.
